Recruiting On-Demand
Recruiting On-Demand
Option #1: 90 day Contract Recruiter for all position types
- 15 hours per week.
- $69/hr. Billed every 2 weeks.
- Full life cycle recruiting for 3-4 positions at any one time. Add new positions as positions get filled.
- Upload candidate information into internal database.
- Conduct preliminary recruiter screens.
- Submittal of candidates to decision makers.
- Coordinate candidate interviews with both candidates and key decision makers.
- Conduct reference checks, present job offers and help close candidates.
Option #2: 90 day Sourcing-as-a-Service Program for all position types
Our sourcing-as-a-service program is $1000 per position and listed below is what you would receive for that cost:
1. Candidate List: 100 profile links per position – these profiles can be uploaded into your applicant tracking system or delivered on an excel spreadsheet. These profiles will come through our referral network, our one world consulting group talent community group, LinkedIn recruiter and our career coaching/executive coaching services. Your team and hiring manager review the profiles and identify those profiles that they are interested in. The candidate list is provided to you and your team within 72 hours of launching the search.
2. Candidate Outreach– One World Consulting Group, LLC will send an e-mail to each of those candidates from the Candidate List that have been identified as a good potential fit by the recruiting and/or hiring manager. The outreach will take place within 24 hours of receiving the names of the candidates identified as good potential fits.
3. Candidate Submittals: The objective is 6 candidate submittals per position within 96 hours of the completing the candidate outreach. For each candidate submittal, One World Consulting Group, LLC will include a resume, summary of qualifications and compensation requirements of the candidate. The candidates submitted will meet at least 90% of the qualifications and fall within your compensation requirements.
We guarantee 6 candidate submittals within 2 weeks of launching a search. If a candidate is hired through the sourcing-as-a-service program a placement fee of 3% would be incurred.
Option #3: Retained Search for Director & VP level positions
- Minimum of 3 positions over a 90 day period.
- $2,000 up-front retainer for each position. Billing immediately upon starting the search.
- Recruiting fee of 8% upon a successful hire. Payable 30 days after candidate starts.
- 1 year guarantee on candidates hired through us.
- We guarantee 4-5 fully qualified and vetted candidates for each position sent to your recruiting team within 30 days of starting the sourcing process.
- Conduct reference checks, present job offers and help close the candidates.