Finding The Right Talent at The Right Time

One of the key pillars for successful organizations is that they have developed and implemented strategies and policies that consistently allow them to find the right talent at the right time for key positions.

The cost to a organization by not finding the right talent at the right time can be huge and can start to be a disruptive factor in the day-to-day operations of the organization.

Talent is at the epicenter of all organizations and finding the right talent and the right time can ultimately determine the success or failure of the organization. Having the right strategies and policies in place in finding talent, can be a huge competitive advantage to your organization.

Strategies to Find The Right Talent at The Right Time

  1. Implement a Sourcing-as-a-Service program. This is a program that allows your organization to build a virtual talent bench over time and builds the organization database of candidates, so when they need to hire fast, they have a good pipeline of candidates to choose from.

2. Streamline the Interview process. A long, drawn out interview process can turn talent off and can cost the company from hiring the right candidate.

3. Organizations need to approve positions quickly and not allow internal bureaucracy to slow down the process of getting the position out to the marketplace.    Time is money and Talent is fleeting.

4. Keep an open mind and consider candidates that bring the foundation needed to not just be successful in the position, but to be successful in the company.

Contact me at 425-766-9778 or e-mail me at and lets get started on helping your organization develop and implement strategies that will allow your organization to hire the right talent at the right time. Please visit our websites at One World Consulting Group- or One World Executive Search-

Thank you for reading my post.

Paul is Founder and CEO of One World Consulting Group, LLC. Paul is a career coach, recruiter, business developer and sales strategist who serves individuals and companies from around the world.

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